A new distillery has opened in the heart of downtown Bozeman. Bozeman Spirits is adding a level of quality and sophistication to their spirits that will fit in nicely in this town. I can tell you that first hand, after paying this fine, new establishment a visit and being allured into sampling the product.

Bozeman Spirits uses only pure Rocky Mountain water and many local grains, to produce the most flavorful spirits. They are currently serving a Montana Cold Spring Vodka and a Blended Whiskey (7+ year-old sourced whiskey blended with a rye whiskey that is distilled on site). A Huckleberry Vodka and a Ruby River Gin will also be available in the very near future! They all taste clean and pure. After sampling each, I have a hard time doubting they use water drained from our nearby Gallatin mountain range. Almost everything you taste is produced in-house, all with careful consideration. I have even less doubt about that after meeting with founder Jim Harris.

The feel of their tasting room substantiates the warm, honest feeling you get when sipping this new product. That it's a Montana product (which should always pride itself on homemade quality and honesty). This "new" bar is garnished with wood from the 1930's (reclaimed old timber that was part of the building's original floor). Check out this classy new addition to downtown Bozeman yourself at 121 W Main!


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