The following is based on information released by the Bozeman Police Department

The Bozeman Police Department is asking for public assistance in locating a suspect in a hit and run case.

Tuesday evening just before 9:00 p.m., a Gallatin County Search and Rescue volunteer was responding to a search and rescue event to help find a lost father and son.

While driving on Tamarack, the volunteer was struck by a hit and run driver.


The vehicle is described as a late 90s/early 2000s white Chevy pickup. The grill from the pickup was found at the scene of the accident. The driver of the Chevy pickup proceeded to speed off with significant front end damage.

Bozeman Police Department
Bozeman Police Department

If you have information about who could be responsible please contact Officer Jenkins (Badge #137) in reference to case #19-00616.

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