Want to grow some beautiful, useful stuff this Spring? No problem. I've got your back. I'm not afraid to try things beyond my gardening ability, but there are some things you just CAN'T screw up around here.

Keeping things simple is NOT the same as boring. In my experience these options will give you the most bang for your buck with beauty, edibility, ease-of-care or perhaps all three qualities.


Basil - photo Michelle Wolfe
Basil - photo Michelle Wolfe

Easy. Pretty. Vibrant. Fragrant. Edible. Indoors. Outdoors. Basil is perhaps the easiest thing on (my) planet to grow. It is truly idiot proof as long as you water it every once in a while and you're rewarded with such a handsome, useful herb.

Pinch off some leaves and add it to store bought pasta sauce if you want to "cheat cook" or grow enough to blend your own pesto cubes that you can freeze for later. There's nothing more tasty.

(TIP - If you let it go to seed by accident and it flowers on ya, don't give up on it. Bees love the little basil flowers....you just don't see them very often as most folks keeps their plants "well picked".)


Sunflower - photo Michelle Wolfe
Sunflower - photo Michelle Wolfe

Plant the seed in some dirt. Give it some water. Sunflowers will grow. These are fantastic flowers to plant with kids on a rainy day because you're guaranteed to get results.

You can plant the big, tall, crazy sunflowers outside or pick a much smaller variety that can go in the ground OR a container. (Those make great gifts, BTW. I give Teddy Bear sunflowers in pretty pots all the time.)

Bees love these guys too so let's save the pollinators!


Daylily - photo Michelle Wolfe
Daylily - photo Michelle Wolfe

These outside beauties are another "guaranteed success" as long as they get enough sun. Once they are established, they are HONESTLY maintenance free. They reward your (lack of) effort with a vast array of blooms all summer.

Whatever your favorite color is, there's a daylily for you. Or, be like me and plant every color you can find. The more the merrier, right?

Once Winter starts to set in, they'll die back and you STILL don't have to do anything to them. Let the foliage die back and they'll pop back up next Spring all on their own.


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