Booom crackle-whomp-whomp. Hello again. So yesterday was trouble, and by "trouble" I mean supercalimusictastic-expialiyoumissedit. Allow me to explain...

Around 25 years ago a young buck was pooped into this world via the Seattle medical system and a fantastic lady named Becky. Your friend Riley was that poop. Every now and then I get the ol' metropolitan itch and miss the rain (whatup?! Bozeman spring,) but am still happy to have traded crazy traffic and the ocean for year-round biking and mountains mountains mountains.

Last night however, Seattle came to me. The Zebra had two hip hop/dancey/mess-you-up-in-the-brain groups that are not to be missed on their next go round. First off, SOTA or State of the Artists, rocked the mics with a three man rap barrage that made me miss the old Capital Hill cyphers I spent time trying to stumble through in high school. Following them cats was Mad Rad. A five man passion-piston hellbent for partying. Live drums, whompy DJ and three MCs in fevered form dropped some left coast love that made many move. Shirts were lost, fists were bumped and many air keyboards were savagely molested. Like I said, you missed it.!/zebracocktaillounge

Do not fret wee dumplings, those cats will be back for you someday, just be sure to get the night off and wear deodorant because those mothas are trouble. Also not fretworthy is the upcoming lineup of shows del Zebra. May 26th Pigeon John? Yup, Cali's microphone enigma is back to make you smile. Paperboy on the 28th? Yup. Devin the Dude, say what? June 18th is no joke, tickets on sale at Cactus for your face. That's about it for now, see you next week. Peace.

P.S.- Pharaoe Monch on June 11th? Why are you so good to us Zebra? Simon says get a damn ticket.!/pages/Cactus-Records-Gifts/187489536826

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