What up! Chadwick here. First of all, thanks for listening! We work hard to bring you info you can use or at least find entertaining. I was born in Great Falls MT. I graduated from CM Russell High School, barely. I tried college…it didn’t work for me, but I could give it a try again someday. I have worked all sorts of jobs, everything from detailing cars to construction and masonry to changing oil. It’s a weird job, I have to admit. I didn’t plan on working in radio. I lucked out though, and I fell into it then pursued it as if having any sort of career depended on it, because it did. When I saw an opportunity to get into this 10 years ago, something clicked and I worked hard to get somewhere with it. Positive attitude and hard work can do awesome things when you decide to implement them. I have a beautiful fiance named Stephanie. We are set to tie the knot next summer and I couldn't be more excited. We are currently saving our pennies to buy a house. Finding music is awesome but the best way to find new stuff is from other people. Like you! So call or drop an email telling us about what you're listening to that we aren't playing! Hit me up here. That really wasn't short was it? Thank you so much for listening! Chadwick