Daily Distraction
Watch These Twins Babies Who Have Their Own Language — Daily Distraction
Maybe it's true that twins have special powers the rest of us lack.
Watch the Cast of ‘The Goonies’ Then and Now — Daily Distraction
Everyone's favorite bunch of down-on-their-luck Oregonian kids, 'The Goonies,' sure have grown up in the last 28 years.
Watch These Silly Cats Who Got Stuck in Jars — Daily Distraction
As long as there are cat-size holes leading to cat-size jars, cats will get stuck in jars.
Watch This Collection of ‘Family Guy’ Look-alikes — Daily Distraction
You probably have that one annoying friend who thinks he does a great Stewie Griffin impression. But does he look like Stewie?
Watch These Kids Who Are Scared of Jack-in-the-Boxes
Okay, first of all, Jack-in-the-Boxes are scary.
Watch These Cats Battling Toilet Paper Rolls — Daily Distraction
It's actually somewhat surprising this doesn't happen more often.
Watch These Dogs and Babies Who Are Best Buds — Daily Distraction
When it comes to food, dogs just want it now now now! But with babies, dogs display a stunning amount of patience.
Watch These Babies Laughing at Dogs — Daily Distraction
It doesn't matter how old you are—dogs are funny.
Watch These Cats Who Are Scared of Things That Aren’t Scary — Daily Distraction
A sock? Really? What could possibly be scary about a sock that's just sitting there on the floor?
Watch These Animals Sticking Their Huge Heads Inside Car Windows — Daily Distraction
Animals are often curious by nature. So it's probably a decent idea to keep your window closed if there's, say, a giraffe around.
Watch These Dogs Running Away From Cats — Daily Distraction
The eternal war between felines and canines continues.
Watch These Heartwarming Reunions at Airports — Daily Distraction
Airports may be a frequent source of massive frustration—just ask anyone who had to travel cross-country this past week—but sometimes they provide us with moments that just melt your heart.