Tate Chamberlin, your buddy, is the rock steady hub of Bozeman events in their yearly spin. The mastermind behind the numerous events enjoyed by all, Tate has been cranking out fun for the mountain populace for years. Seeded from this one man’s ambition, the Rail Jam and Gallatin Art Crossing have swollen from yearly events into Bozeman staples that improve exponentially with age. The Avalaunch Festival and Beerfest have both benefited greatly from Tate’s knowledge and their incorporation to the familiar rate of growth and improvement synonymous with the Chamberlin brand. This momentum has been an undeniable advantage for the town of Bozeman with Tate and his ensuing army of volunteers, champions and a few ne’er do wells. As the new event planner for Town Square Media, Tate’s stage is set for unending years of incredible growth and events that will no doubt be further mighty weapons in his arsenal. Tate Chamberlin is a man of many talents, one could even say a renaissance man, but he bathes far too often.
tate chamberlin
It’s Cold You Say? Get A Thuggie!
I woke up today with a nice and balmy weather condition of -13f. Like a lot of Bozeman residents, I keep my house on the cooler side of 62f to be eco friendly and coexist with my tree hugging, slacklining, Jack Johnson loving and Birkenstock/Chaco wearing hippie friends.
Waffle Awareness Day Strikes Bozeman
When we saw this event put on by Bozemangia, we had a serious dilemma to consider: Waffle Day (Bring-your-own-wine) in Bozeman or free Foo Fighters tickets in Missoula. So, of course we gave away the tickets and headed on over to Vera Fare Café.
National High Five Day
In lieu of National High Five Day, I would like to send out a high five to everyone reading this. I'd also like to challenge you to give out High Fives instead of hand shakes in honor of a great day, my count so far today is 18 high fives and am shooting for 100 by days end. Can you beat it?
Make your Dr. Pepper experience better with H2O
I've been on this experiential binge lately on how to make the little things in life way better.
Short People Have No Reason To Live
Don't judge me, even though I'm probably judging you.
The “Brown Note”, Can It Really Make You Poo?
I had never thought about it, let alone believed it was possible until this weekend when my friend Kyle played a song for me in my truck's sound system, but it almost happened to me when it came on and left me motionless and sinking into the seat with almost no control.
Life is always better with a personal soundtrack.
First off, I'm in love with music. Both sexually and emotionally. Its the only thing that I can compare with anything and everything; good days, bad days, people, experiences, literally anything. Lately, I've been wanting to have my life with a streaming music player.... You know like the cool movie intros or soundtracks the you always remember.
DIS-CO Shopping, It’s incendiary.
A close friend / assistant of mine turned me onto this concept a few months ago. I'm going to call it DIS-CO shopping and let's call him....Kyle. Kyle is one of the most insightful people I know and with my obvious great taste in people to do business with, he was an obvious choice...
Origin Of “That’s What She Said”
Garth tells Wayne, "Are you through yet? I'm getting tired of holding this." Wayne responds, "Yeah, that's what she said."
Experiential Tipping
How did tipping become so boring? I know that people depend on tips in the service industry and that should never stop but I think there should be a better experience with it.