
Free Safety Class
Free Safety Class
Free Safety Class
KNOW SNOW and learn about avalanche safety with other women for FREE on Wednesday night at Beall Park. There will also be beacon training!
Avalanche Season Is Not Over [VIDEO]
Avalanche Season Is Not Over [VIDEO]
Avalanche Season Is Not Over [VIDEO]
Did you know that Montana State has a snow and avalanche lab? They do and it's headed by Dr. Jordy Hendrikx. They're addressing the HUMAN factor in avalanches. What is the decision making process that people use before heading into dangerous terrain?
Montana State Addresses The HUMAN Factor In Avalanches [VIDEO]
Montana State Addresses The HUMAN Factor In Avalanches [VIDEO]
Montana State Addresses The HUMAN Factor In Avalanches [VIDEO]
Did you know that Montana State has a snow and avalanche lab? They do and it's headed by Dr. Jordy Hendrikx. They're addressing the HUMAN factor in avalanches. What is the decision making process that people use before heading into dangerous terrain?
Snowmobiler Caught in Avalanche [VIDEO]
Snowmobiler Caught in Avalanche [VIDEO]
Snowmobiler Caught in Avalanche [VIDEO]
Check out this video that someone by the name of Mike Salmon just posted. In a recent snowmobiling trip near Afton, Wyoming, one of the riders gets caught in an avalanche slide as he attempts a backcountry hill climb. Luckily, his group is able to spot his sled in the aftermath and rush to the scene. He was completely buried up to his head and appears to be alright. Very lucky!

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