During an interview for his upcoming film 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,' Ben Affleck told Mario Lopez that his giant phoenix back tattoo is actually just for a movie.
Just one look is all it takes for Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel to send the Batmobile conveniently careening into boxes of Gotham City gas (they keep gas in boxes there? What kind of city is this?). The latest TV spot for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is more of a clip, really, and shows us a brief glimpse of the scene in which Superman wrecks the Batmobile and the pair of heroes glare at each other…a lot.
Why can't real news outlets focus on real news? Let's save the celebrity divorces and plastic surgery nightmares for the tabloid rags. There's nothing wrong with pop culture headlines but it seems to me that it's unnecessary to use up 60 seconds of network news time with them.
Throughout David Fincher’s adaptation of ‘Gone Girl,’ it was almost as if my subconscious was telling me that this movie shouldn’t be as good as what I was watching. That’s not a slam on Gillian Flynn’s novel (obviously; I haven’t read it), it’s just that the book is presented in such a unique way, which would at least seem almost impossible to pull off – just in a basic book vs. movie sort of way. Look, I understand that this following statement can be said about most movies, but in a less capable director’s hands – and with a less capable cast -- this movie could have easily have been garbage. Actually, this movie should have been garbage.