While we love seeing the cute bear interactions, like these two cubs that playfully entered a nursing home recently in North Carolina, not all bear/human encounters are that peaceful.
Bicycle Acrobatics (working title) needs to be a new Olympic sport! Apparently they are currently holding competitions in school gymnasiums. Has anyone seen anything like this before? I never knew riding a bike could look this graceful.
The Bozeman Bike Kitchen, "a cooperative cycling center dedicated to making the use of bicycles as transportation and fun possible for all members of the Bozeman community", needs volunteers of all ages and abilities to help refurbish bikes.
May is National Bike Month and Community Action Month! It's not too late to sign up for Bozeman's Commuter Challenge, happening now through May 16. Details here:
Last Saturday was Portland Oregon's version of the World Naked Bike Ride. World Naked Bike Ride is a globally observed event among hard-core bikers designed (get ready for this) to promote the use of bicycles for transportation. Nothing entices me to ride my bike more than seeing a naked person on a bike. That could be the number one thing you don't want to see anyone doing naked.