Actually, these innocent folks are just having normal cell phone conversations but the guy from Mediocre Films is really the one you'd end up wanting to throat punch. Are you answering everything I say? Yes, yes he is.
Whether or not we like to admit it, our cell phones are a very important part of our lives. They usually contain valuable contacts, photos, videos, etc. (not to mention their communication capability). We've all lost or misplaced our cell phone at some point and felt life hanging in the balance. A mobile security company is now revealing the top 10 places you're most likely to lose yours.
Read Mor
Cisco’s annual Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast makes some interesting (some may say frightening) predictions, including the fact that the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the world’s population sometime this year.
Are you ready to go hands-free, Bozeman? The new law goes into affect Tuesday January 17th. Simply put - don't use your cell phone while operating your vehicle unless you don't mind a $100 fine. The complete rundown of the new law as layed out by the Bozeman Police Department is inside.
If you think your cell phone bill is high, you haven’t met Celina Aarons.
The Florida woman added a cell phone to her account for her mute and hearing-impaired brother, who didn’t know to turn off his data roaming when he was recently in Canada. Since his only form of communication with the phone is via text messages, those international data rates added up quickly — to the tune of over $200,000 i
Attention all BlackBerry phone users: I might guess you aren't reading this on your BlackBerry! Why is that? Reports have spread of world wide BlackBerry outages. I myself am not on a BlackBerry but our very own Michelle Wolfe just texted me on hers which must mean Montana has not yet been affected...
iPod's could be banned from being used by drivers that is. The Butte Silver Bow Judiciary Committee is moving forward on a proposed ban of any hand held electronic devices while driving. How many of you agree that hand held electronics use should be banned from a driver?