has updated its driving statistics with new data and have once again determined the "Worst Drivers by State." Montana tied South Carolina with THE worst drivers in the country. Find out why.
Join Mothers Against Drunk Driving for a community discussion about the drunk driving epidemic in Montana at the Bozeman Public Library on Monday, August 4 from 6 - 8 pm.
16-year-old Ethan Couch caused a crash which took the lives of four people. At the time of the crash, Couch was 3 times over the legal blood alcohol limit for an adult at .24. His sentence - 10 years probation without a single day in jail. My thoughts at the bottom of the post.
An Arkansas woman is facing charges of public intoxication and disorderly conduct after allegedly crashing her car into a mobile home and attempting to make a pantless escape on a child's battery-powered toy truck.