
Bozeman Lilac Season
Bozeman Lilac Season
Bozeman Lilac Season
Most can agree that Bozeman is stunning this time of year with lilac bushes blooming like crazy. Their scent fills the afternoon air unlike any other plant. If you've got lilacs, consider making your own (super easy) oil from just two ingredients!
Do Flowers always work, girls?
Do Flowers always work, girls?
Do Flowers always work, girls?
It's no secret that I'm a sucker for flowers. Not much into chocolate, not impressed by foo-foo jewelry but FLOWERS somehow melt my heart. From a friend, my dad, a dude...doesn't matter.
Did Your Flowers Die With The Snow Last Weekend?
Did Your Flowers Die With The Snow Last Weekend?
Did Your Flowers Die With The Snow Last Weekend?
Everybody in Bozeman knows it, but NOBODY seems to adhere to it....the June 1st "OK" date to plant stuff outside. I'm just as guilty as anyone because after a long Bozeman winter, I need color on my front porch.
Man Wins Against City in Fight for ‘Flower Potty’
Man Wins Against City in Fight for ‘Flower Potty’
Man Wins Against City in Fight for ‘Flower Potty’
William Terry has fought the battle of the abode since last winter when city officials sent him a citation for his toilet-turned-flower-pot and asked him to remove it promptly. Disgruntled, Terry argued that he was merely recycling an otherwise useless object and went around town taking pictures of other unsightly planters he'd noticed. The judge ruled in Terry's favor since the city code definiti