If the young lady in your life wants to become a Girl Scout, NOW is the time to learn about the organization and sign up. We've got the towns, dates and times here!
The Leaf & Bean is doing their part once again to help out the community. March is all about the Girl Scouts...and Girl Scout-inspired treats and drinks at the Bean! Listen to The Moose between 10 am - 3 pm this week for your chance to win a FREE Girl Scout treat!
The cookie season for the Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming starts in 18 days! Make sure you answer your door if one of our excited little Scouts comes knocking. It means a lot to them, as you will see in this video. I feel bad laughing at this, but let me point out that I wouldn't have shared this had the girl not stood back up and looked at the camera. It appears to me that she was not hurt. Bu
I'm a huge fan of Girl Scout cookies. I buy the popcorn when a Boy Scout shows up at my door, but only to donate. The Girl Scouts get more money because of the unbelievable product they have (I don't like popcorn, sorry Boy Scouts of America). I'm a little pumped to try a new cookie this season when the Girl Scouts unveil Savannah Smiles!