set up a prank with a movie voiceover guy from 'Honest Trailers'. They put him in charge of a fast food drive-thru. The results are pretty funny!
Need another example of how stupid kids can be? Check out this "prank" these two idiots from Australia pulled. "The purpose of this video was to see who would try and stop a robbery if they witnessed one happening in front of them". This fun little social experiment looks like it may a resulted in a broken nose for one of them:
Actually, these innocent folks are just having normal cell phone conversations but the guy from Mediocre Films is really the one you'd end up wanting to throat punch. Are you answering everything I say? Yes, yes he is.
A comedian named Tom Mabe decided his alcoholic friend needed to be taught a lesson after being arrested for a fifth DUI. Mabe and his friends waited until the man passed out and pulled off an epic prank. It involved converting an empty office into a hospital room, a team of fake doctors and nurses, and a mock TV newscast from the future to convince the man he had been in a ten-year coma. Check it
Guys, don't do this. Ever. Especially when you've flown all the way down to Aruba to celebrate your 5th anniversary with your lady. It's not funny. We probably won't forgive you.
The makers of the latest "Carrie" big screen adaptation (which hits theaters on October 18) staged a pretty crazy prank at a coffee shop in New York. Now this is how you promote a movie! Watch as they very convincingly give this actress telekinetic powers:
What if a 'movie trailer voice over guy' narrated your every mundane move? There's a prank on YouTube where Jon Bailer (the voice of Honest Trailers) follows random people around L.A. and does just that. It's pretty funny, check it out here:
Nobody likes sharing bad report cards with parents, but one college student in Atlanta gets high marks for creativity by faking his own kidnapping to hide a failing grade.
We are fairly evil to each other here at the station, seizing every opportunity to scare each other and make someone scream like a little girl. But this "Ghost In The Elevator" prank is off the hook and merits a punch in the face.
The idea of getting stuck in an elevator when the power goes out is bad enough. But one Brazilian TV show decided to add a second, extremely frightening element, and they filmed it all for our viewing pleasure.