Kids AND adults like to enjoy Halloween. If your kids are heading out to trick or treat and you're headed to an adult Halloween party, consider a few things to ensure the night is all fun...not freaky.
Do Montanans consider themselves good tippers? When it comes to tipping, do Montanans tip a percentage or base it on quality of service? Or is it both?
Visiting Bozeman this summer? Help me help you. I'm not here to beat up on tourists that are so vital to our local economy, but I AM here to make your vacation a bit more hassle free, for those of us who are already dealing with an enormous influx of new residents and a larger Montana State population.
Feeling exhausted and down in the dumps from Montana's crazy cold, windy weather? Winter can be downright unpleasant around here sometimes. Sure, playing in the outdoors is a huge driver of why we live here but during those periods of weather when the fun stops? It can be a downer.
Bozemanites know a thing or two about how to best enjoy a festival. We're pros, actually. In the spirit of sharing the most helpful tips, we put together a fresh list of SIMPLE things you can do that will vastly increase your Sweet Pea Festival joy.
I don't know a lot, but I definitely know how to enjoy a gorgeous day. Really. It's nearly impossible for me to screw up a sunny afternoon. Learning French has been an epic struggle...nice days? Piece of cake.
We spent time asking long time Bozeman residents what they want new residents to know. What to do. More importantly, what NOT to do. Big things. Small things. Many of these items should apply to visitors too.
Chipping is tough for a lot of us, especially Michelle. But Bridger Creek Golf Course Director of Golf, Mark Holiday, shows us how to improve in just a few steps.
It's a Monday after a long holiday weekend, so I've not only provided some easy tips from to avoid stress and have an awesome day but also came up with a few of my own: