
Mysterious 'Wolf-Like' Animal Killed in Montana
Mysterious 'Wolf-Like' Animal Killed in Montana
Mysterious 'Wolf-Like' Animal Killed in Montana
If you had to find a storybook photo of the big bad wolf from Little Red Riding Hood this one definitely comes close. Check out this "wolf-like" creature that was killed near Denton, Montana. A landowner shot the animal because it was near livestock and then contacted wildlife officials. ...
Montana Wolf Numbers Up 8 percent in 2010
Montana Wolf Numbers Up 8 percent in 2010
Montana Wolf Numbers Up 8 percent in 2010
According to The Spokesman-Review, there is good news for Montana's wolf population. However, the same cannot be said about Idaho's wolf population. It's a heated topic in these parts, so read on. -Michelle
Catch Wolf To Woof At The MOR
Catch Wolf To Woof At The MOR
Catch Wolf To Woof At The MOR
Check out The Museum of the Rockies exhibit Wolf to Woof: The Story of Dogs. Its the largest and most comprehensive exhibit ever created on the history, biology, and evolution of dogs, sniffing out the facts on the unique role of dogs in human society, and their link to wolves. Join the MOR for a fascinating look at our canine friends, and enjoy special progamming based upon this woof-tastic exhib