Mid-January is a tough time to say you love this place. Yeah, the skiing is generally great but the weather is notoriously unpredictable with some days significantly below zero and others (like today) unseasonably "messy warm" in the 40s.

The MOOSE Jeep somewhere in southwest Montana

In the coming weeks, I thought I might share some tricks that I've learned to make it though the 2nd half of a Montana winter. Over the course of 20 years, I've seen just about every kind of winter but no matter how tough you think you are it's hard to keep a good face all the way until spring.

There are lots of ways to keep your spirits in check, especially if you're not a raging outdoor enthusiast. (I've never understood why you'd live here if you didn't ski or do something else like that in the winter but I digress.) January and February can be a great time to plan your springtime road trip, get started on the garden (seriously) and put extra money in your pocket.

Be on the lookout for these tips. They might become YOUR trick to beating the Montana mid-winter blues. -Michelle

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