star wars

‘Star Wars: Episode 7′ — Just How Involved Will George Lucas Be in the New Trilogy?
‘Star Wars: Episode 7′ — Just How Involved Will George Lucas Be in the New Trilogy?
‘Star Wars: Episode 7′ — Just How Involved Will George Lucas Be in the New Trilogy?
While we wait patiently (ever so patiently...) for a director to finally be named to helm 'Star Wars: Episode 7', we must look elsewhere to feed our 'Star Wars' hunger. George Lucas will certainly do nicely! Ever since the news broke that the man would be on board in an advisory role during the development of 'Episode 7' (and beyond), most of us have been wondering just how connected he will be. T
‘Star Wars’ Sequel in the Works Sans George Lucas – Lucasfilm Now Owned by Disney
‘Star Wars’ Sequel in the Works Sans George Lucas – Lucasfilm Now Owned by Disney
‘Star Wars’ Sequel in the Works Sans George Lucas – Lucasfilm Now Owned by Disney
George Lucas has been the master of 'Star Wars' since its inception and though spin-off cartoons and games have been the norm for years, the film series seemed done with after six movies. Disney has just purchased Lucasfilm for over four billion dollars, and have just announced that they're planning on a new movie for sometime in 2015.
Just-Released ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Deleted Scene Reveals Extended Sparring Between Han and Leia [VIDEO]
Just-Released ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Deleted Scene Reveals Extended Sparring Between Han and Leia [VIDEO]
Just-Released ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Deleted Scene Reveals Extended Sparring Between Han and Leia [VIDEO]
George Lucas is famous — or should we say infamous — for tinkering with the original ‘Star Wars‘ movie trilogy. For example, he’s “updated” them with CGI technology that was unavailable at the time they were originally shot, much to the dismay of movie purists the world over who felt they were perfect as-is. But when the umpteenth re-release of the films, ‘Star Wars: The Complete Saga,’ comes out
Carbonite-Frozen Han Solo Ice Cube Trays Are a Real Thing
Carbonite-Frozen Han Solo Ice Cube Trays Are a Real Thing
Carbonite-Frozen Han Solo Ice Cube Trays Are a Real Thing
You no longer need to go all the way to Cloud City to see Han Solo forever frozen in carbonite, now that the brilliant minds at ThinkGeek have created an ice cube tray that makes tiny replicas of the famous image from ‘The Empire Strikes Back.’ Plop little Hansicles to in your drink! Make chocolate Han molds and give them to your own Princess Leia!
Osama Joined By Obi-Wan, Says Darth Vador
Osama Joined By Obi-Wan, Says Darth Vador
Osama Joined By Obi-Wan, Says Darth Vador
Darth Vader has announced the assassination of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Galactic Empire Times is reporting. The spoof appears in a knockoff website of the New York Times and is done amazingly well. Not only did a few intrepid wordsmiths put together the tongue-firmly-in-cheek hard news story, someone with Photoshop skills put Vader in front of a podium lifted from the White House.