Apple Inc's latest iPhone 4S, with voice-activated technology, was introduced to China today with great anticipation. Hundreds of people who couldn't wait to get their hands on the new phone were lined up outside Apple's flagship Beijing store before it opened, but fears of chaos caused the store to cancel sales. Apparently, some people in line were armed with eggs and let the store have it.

Bejing-Apple Inc

The crowd of people outside the Beijing store, which consisted of many who had been waiting overnight, was deemed unruly before doors could open. Security staff was working to restore order for quite some time before it was finally announced that the phones would not go on sale and everyone should go home.

According to many eye witness reports, that's when chaos erupted outside. Apparently, many shoppers became enraged and began fighting with one another. It was reported that the police even exercised some physical restraint (never a good scene). Oh, and then there were eggs. I guess some people thought to bring raw eggs with them (just in case such a scene broke out?). They showered the store's tall glass windows!

All this over a new voice activated phone? Really? A PHONE! Something we would really all be better off without, if you ask me. Read the full article here, and as always share your thoughts.

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