5 Ridiculous Things People Ask When You Say You Live In Montana
When I moved to Montana it was like moving to a different planet. People started asking me the darndest questions. Eventually, I compiled a little list of things people have asked me when I told them I lived in Montana.
In no particular order, here are 5 of the most ridiculous things I have been asked about living in Montana.
1. "OMG...I love Yellowstone. Have you seen it?!?" Typically, I start talking about the National Park, which throws them way off. Do people not realize that Yellowstone the series is not ALL Montana has? But yes, I have seen the series and at some point during the conversation, I think, "Perhaps I should bring them to the train station."
2. "You must be so good at skiing." I have actually only skied one time; I had to have the paramedics come to get me because both my knees were dislocated. So no, I am not good at skiing and there are lots of people here who don't do it. I know it is a strange concept, but not everyone in Montana is an Olympic-level skier.
3. "Does it get cold there?" Yes, my friend...it does. If you look at a map of the United States, you will see our friends to the north. That's Canada. Most likely, if you share a border with Canada and live in the North, it will be cold. Just a little geography lesson.
4. "Isn't it crazy that people can just have guns there?" To this, I just smile and say "It's my right," as I pat the side of my purse and wink.
5. "Are you from California?" I am not...and not everyone who moves here is. I actually shared a state line with Montana my whole life. So the snow, wildlife, hunting, fishing, and midwest values are in my blood and will be forever.
Am I the only one who gets asked these questions? We have the internet, so you'd think people would be able to figure out most of these with a simple Google search, but then again, the people asking me these questions may not be the smartest cookies in the jar.