A Cozy, Indoor Long Weekend Has Left Me With A Made For T.V. Question
My only answer for Mother Nature's gift to Montana this Memorial Day weekend was enjoying movies on my couch. It all started with Forrest Gump on T.V. I sat through a couple of commercial breaks before giving in to the concept of just getting off the couch for a minute to put the Forrest Gump DVD I own in the DVD player. Does anyone else have a hard time with this?
There seems to be an array of movies I own that I would almost rather watch on T.V. There are just those "classics" that come on all the time that I can't turn away from. "Forrest Gump" is definitely one, "Mrs. Doubtfire" and "Knocked Up" are two others that come to mind. Now, when I don't come across these movies on a channel surf, the thought of throwing them on myself (commercial-free) isn't all that appealing. I think, "I've seen it a million times, not really in the mood right now." Why is this? Pure laziness? Do I need to jump right into a "classic" scene to be reminded of truly how awesome the movie is? Your thoughts...