My only answer for Mother Nature's gift to Montana this Memorial Day weekend was enjoying movies on my couch. It all started with Forrest Gump on T.V. I sat through a couple of commercial breaks before giving in to the concept of just getting off the couch for a minute to put the Forrest Gump DVD I own in the DVD player. Does anyone else have a hard time with this?


There seems to be an array of movies I own that I would almost rather watch on T.V. There are just those "classics" that come on all the time that I can't turn away from. "Forrest Gump" is definitely one, "Mrs. Doubtfire" and "Knocked Up" are two others that come to mind. Now, when I don't come across these movies on a channel surf, the thought of throwing them on myself (commercial-free) isn't all that appealing. I think, "I've seen it a million times, not really in the mood right now." Why is this? Pure laziness? Do I need to jump right into a "classic" scene to be reminded of truly how awesome the movie is? Your thoughts...


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