Bob Sassone
![First Trailer for ‘The Hobbit’ Brings Back Gandalf, Bilbo and the Rest of the Middle Earth Gang [VIDEO]](
First Trailer for ‘The Hobbit’ Brings Back Gandalf, Bilbo and the Rest of the Middle Earth Gang [VIDEO]
For a while there it looked like ‘The Hobbit’ wasn’t even going to get made, with the lawsuits and contract negotiations and all that. But it’s coming, and fans can now geek out over the first trailer for the next entry in the ‘Lord of the Rings’ saga.
![Epic Trailer for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Will Drive You Batty [VIDEO]](
Epic Trailer for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Will Drive You Batty [VIDEO]
It seems like we’ve been teased forever when it comes to the Christopher Nolan’s third and final ‘Batman’ movie, but that’s all over this week as the official trailer for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ has hit the web!
![Jimmy Fallon and Maya Rudolph Perform ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ as Chipmunks [VIDEO]](
Jimmy Fallon and Maya Rudolph Perform ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ as Chipmunks [VIDEO]
‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ is a fun song (with kind of creepy lyrics). It’s usually not performed with Chipmunk voices, however.
But on a recent ‘Late Night,’ Maya Rudolph joined Jimmy Fallon for a funny Christmas duet.
![‘SNL’ Spoofs Penn State Scandal With Steve Buscemi’s ‘Creepy’ Coach [VIDEO]](
‘SNL’ Spoofs Penn State Scandal With Steve Buscemi’s ‘Creepy’ Coach [VIDEO]
Steve Buscemi has played a lot of “creepy” roles in the past — his words, not ours — and perhaps that’s why when he appeared on ‘SNL‘ as Coach Bert, everyone thought he was a pedophile.
![Brian Williams Confronts Jon Stewart About NBC Fire Alarm Spoof [VIDEO]](
Brian Williams Confronts Jon Stewart About NBC Fire Alarm Spoof [VIDEO]
The other day we showed you video of a fire alarm going off during the ‘NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams.’ It’s a funny clip, and now Jon Stewart has had some fun with it.
But Brian Williams doesn’t want to hear it.
![Nickelback Tries to Win Over Detroit Lions Fans [NSFW VIDEO]](
Nickelback Tries to Win Over Detroit Lions Fans [NSFW VIDEO]
As we told you a while back, Detroit Lions fans aren’t too happy about Nickelback playing the halftime show during their game on Thanksgiving. In fact, fans hate the idea.
Now the band has answered all those haters who signed an online petition.

Who Would Take Relationship Advice from Ashton Kutcher? Answer, Men’s Health
File this in the “bad timing” section — ‘Two and a Half Men’ star Ashton Kutcher gives relationship advice in the new issue of Men’s Health, which hit newsstands this weekend.
Talk about bad timing. Kutcher’s wife, actress Demi Moore, recently announced she’s divorcing him. Reasons why are unconfirmed at this point, but there are many rumors going around that Kutcher cheated on Moore with more tha
![William Shatner Preaches Turkey Fryer Safety In Bizarre PSA [VIDEO]](
William Shatner Preaches Turkey Fryer Safety In Bizarre PSA [VIDEO]
This Thanksgiving PSA from William Shatner rests somewhere between his musical stylings and that time he threw a chair on ‘$20,000 Pyramid’ on the weirdness scale.
In the video below that Shatner made for State Farm Insurance, the onetime Capt. Kirk talks about the dangers of deep-frying a turkey.
![Rick Perry Presents His ‘Top Ten Excuses’ on Letterman [VIDEO]](
Rick Perry Presents His ‘Top Ten Excuses’ on Letterman [VIDEO]
Republican presidential candidate Gov. Rick Perry caused a stir the other night at a debate when he couldn’t remember the third government department he would close down.
You knew talk shows like ‘The Late Show with David Letterman’ were going to say something about it. But it was actually Perry himself who came on to the show last night to give the ‘Top Ten Rick Perry Excuses’ list.

George Clooney Reveals When He Lost His Virginity in Rolling Stone Interview
You know that George Clooney gets more ladies than you do, right? Well, it turns out he’s had the swagger for some time now.
In an extensive interview for the new Rolling Stone issue, Clooney reveals that he lost his virginity at the age of 16. However, he admits it may have been too early, saying he was “young, very young, too young,” though a lot of guys might disagree.
![Stephen Colbert Goes Undercover at Wall Street as Che Guevara [VIDEO]](
Stephen Colbert Goes Undercover at Wall Street as Che Guevara [VIDEO]
This must be the week for late night talk show hosts disguising themselves. First we had Conan outside of ‘Today,’ and now we have Stephen Colbert at Occupy Wall Street.
The ‘Colbert Report’ host dressed as revolutionary Che Guevara and went to the protest location earlier this week.

‘Skyfall’ Is the Title for the Next James Bond Flick
007 fans have reason to be happy today: the title of the new movie is now official after several weeks of rumors and guesses. James Bond will return in ‘Skyfall.’