Jon Ledford first started at Arcade Sushi thinking that it was a sushi barcade, which unfortunately doesn't exist..yet. With distinct opinions in regards to gaming and a deep fondness of 90's cartoons, anime, B movies, and RPGs with world maps (no lists of cities and destinations, thank you), Jon spends his off time patiently waiting for an HD remake or sequel to Final Fantasy 6. Graduating magna cum laude from Rowan University and Atlantic Cape Community College's 2010 Communication Major of the Year, Jon is also the leader of an underground resistance fighting against the forcing of motion technology into the world of console gaming. Feel free to follow him @JonLedford.
Jon Ledford
Pac-Man Maze Supposedly Used for Bud Light Super Bowl Commercial
Bud Light is reportedly using this life-size Pac-Man maze in its upcoming Super Bowl 2015 commercial.
Alleged Hacker Arrested in UK for DDoS Attacks on PSN and XBL
Another supposed member of the hacker group claiming responsibility for the DDoS attacks on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network last week has been apprehended by police in the UK.
PS4 Bundle Purchased at Walmart Filled With Bags of Rocks
A holiday shopper in Denver was shocked to find that the PlayStation 4 bundle he purchased from his local Walmart was filled with two wrapped-up bags of rocks.
Xbox Live and PSN Face DDoS Attacks Throughout Christmas (Update)
During a day when people are booting up their new Xbox Ones and PlayStation 4s for the first time, a group of Grinches have decided to try and ruin things for everyone online.
Oculus Purchases Two New VR Companies
Facebook's $2 billion virtual reality company is growing. Now, it is joined by studios specializing hand-tracking and real-world scanning tech.
Cyber Monday Deals for Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon and More
Think of it like Black Friday with a shipping charge so you can avoid the crowds, traffic, mobs, chaos and long lines.
Nintendo Patents Game Boy Emulator for Mobile Devices, Airplane Seats and More
The Big N takes the fight to unlicensed Game Boy emulators by filing a patent for its own.
Game of Thrones’ First Episode to Debut Next Week
Drop that turkey leg, the first episode of Telltale's upcoming Game of Thrones series, 'Iron From Ice,' is going to debut in just a few days.
Walmart’s Cyber Monday Sale Includes PS4 and 3DS Deals
The retailer known for bringing out the best in humanity is back with yet another big video game discount. This time, it's for all you people who don't feel like venturing outdoors.
Study Shows Online Harassment Prevalent, Especially for Women
In the midst of the ongoing controversy of GamerGate and the varying instances of harassment, threats and doxxing of women in the gaming industry, a recent study indicates that online harassment is prevalent across both social media and gaming, especially for women.
Game Designers Speak Out on Harassment Throughout the Industry
Listen to the eye-opening, first-person experiences with misogyny that independent, female developers have encountered throughout their journeys of game design.
Ms. Pac-Man Joins the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Bandai Namco has teamed up with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to launch the Ms. Pac-Man Pink Ribbon Campaign.