Kyle Dowling
This Video Proves Cats are Essentially Jerks
If you’ve been sitting on the fence regarding whether or not to get a cat, this video might be all you need to sway you either way.
Olympic Basketball Player Punches Opponent Right in the ‘Medals’
We’ll all remember the 2012 London Games for having some of the best moments in Olympic history. How can we forget the star-studded opening with Mr. Bean? Oh, right, there were games too.
Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis Invade Chicago Cubs Game
America’s pastime — the yawn-enducing sport of baseball — has finally figured out a way to make the batting lineup announcements anything but horribly dreadful. Recently, comedians Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis were present at a Chicago Cubs home game, where they not only hilariously delivered the team’s introductions, but also tossed out some pitches.