In Terms Of Best College Towns, Does Bozeman Rank High?
Montana State may not have the largest student body or the biggest stadium, but Bozeman deserves some recognition for being a great college town.
When people think of the best college towns, their minds instantly go to places like Ohio State, Michigan, Alabama, Florida, and other massive schools. These universities have huge student bodies, many amenities, and a lot of money. Even though Montana State might not be the largest or flashiest school, it's got some incredible features. So where does Bozeman rank when compared to the college towns with big schools?

Best College Reviews made a list of the 50 Best College Towns in the Nation, and our humble town of Bozeman made the list. Bozeman was towards the bottom of the list at #46, but we made the list nonetheless.
Criteria for rankings consisted of livability, school presence, cultural offerings, student-to-resident ratio, and large employers.
Montana State's school presence is massive not only in Montana, but throughout the Pacific Northwest. Bozeman also has a solid number of employers, from tech companies to fabrication. We haven't even mentioned all of the amenities when it comes to food, outdoor recreation, and cultural offerings. Bozeman has it all.
Bozeman's population has been steadily growing over the past several years, and so has Montana State's student body. Students travel near and far to go to Montana State to study everything from film to agriculture to architecture. Everyone wants to be a part of this community, whether it's as a student or a resident.
Bozeman is a unique and fun college town. Even ESPN's College Gameday had fun when they came for the Brawl of the Wild. From football games to downtown events, Bozeman has something for everyone.
For more details, check out Best College Reviews.
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