August 15 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Additional Information

Old Main Gallery is pleased to feature the work of the Creative Indigenous Collective for a group exhibition, Creative Indigenous Identity, in the months of September & October. An Opening Reception will take place on Friday, September 13th, 6-8 PM. This event is open to the public. An Honor song will be performed by Shane Doyle.

The Creative Indiginous Collective is made up of seven Contemporary Ingidinous artists from the region, Ben Pease, Gina Still Smoking, Holly Young, John Isaiah Pepion, Lauren Monroe, Louis Still Smoking and Robert Martinez.

“There are misconceptions. There are romantic ideals. There are miscommunications and there are stereotypes of what and who indigenous people are. Like the range of artistic styles, colors and sizes the answer to ‘What is Contemporary Indigenous Identity?’ Is not just one thing. It is a bunch of things, a mass, an assortment, a cluster, a multitude.
Our past is shared, however each tribe is unique. Our Heritage is similar, but each is separate. Our tribes all lived on this continent, yet each had its own homeland. Our present is now but through each of our eyes looks slightly different. We grapple today's issues through a lens that sees the past but points to our future.
Through the use of paper, canvas, buckskin, with colored pencils, paint and beads, with imagery, symbols and fabric, the artists of the Creative Indigenous Collective show you our individual vision of what it means to be Indigenous in Contemporary Society.”
- Creative Inidenous Collective