GET SMART! 3 Cool, Online Events Happening This Week
Don't miss these educational, online offerings this week. All the details are right here.
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13TH: History Happy Hour - The Bear River Massacre (Online Event) - Free, online event from 6pm to 6:30pm hosted by Idaho State Museum and Idaho State Historical Society. Listen in as Darren Parry speaks with Alison Espindola (Events and Rentals Coordinator, Idaho State Museum) about his book, his people, and his hope for the future. "In the early morning of January 29th 1863, at the Northwestern Shoshone winter village Boa Ogoi by the Utah-Idaho boundary line, Colonel Patrick Edward Connor led the 3rd Regiment California Volunteer Infantry to massacre more than 400 Shoshone men, women, and children. The Bear River Massacre, as it is known today, became the largest massacre of Native Americans in the West."
THURSDAY, JAN. 14TH: Opera Bingo! with Intermountain Opera (Online Event) - Starts at 7pm. Hosted by Bozeman Arts - Live. A fun bingo game played by naming music! "Operatic arias and musical theatre pieces alike will be performed by five, wonderful artists. Fill out your bingo card by identifying the musical or opera that the piece is from for a chance to win prizes." This is a FREE EVENT!
THURSDAY, JAN. 14TH: Women Elders Speak (Onine Event) - Hosted by Country Bookshelf. Starts at 6pm runs to 7:30pm. Eight women elders from our community share their work in the new anthology WOMEN ELDERS SPEAK. An evening of storytelling with Jo Anne Troxel, Adele Pittendrigh, June Safford, Collette Hops, Jan Matney, Mary Beth Green, Jane Jelinsky & Beth Sirr...they will share their thought on the beginnings of the Covid-19 Pandemic. FREE online event (books available for purchase.)
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