Guide Shares New Up-Close Video of Yellowstone’s Wapiti Wolf Pack
There's new video that is about as up-close-and-personal as you can get with one of Yellowstone National Park's Wapiti Wolf Pack. It was just dropped today by a tour guide in the park.
It's not often you get to see these kind of moments of a wolf pack like Yellowstone Wolf Tracker just did on Facebook today.
While the Junction Butte pack is known as the largest wolf pack in Yellowstone, the Wapiti pack has been one of the most viewable recently. We recently shared a report that one of the alpha females in the Wapiti pack had died. That remains unconfirmed although the Yellowstone Wolf website does show that 2 members have left the pack or died over the past year (subordinate 1105m and subordinate 1201f).
The Wapiti pack was seen near a roadway a few weeks ago showing what some saw as possible disarray within the pack.