One of the easiest things to do it seems, is piss off a Montanan. Now there is no offense to be taken, I can understand most of the reasoning behind it. More people here than there is room for, that includes housing and roads, prices sky rocketing in all different area's, and well...lack of common sense. These all pertain to really anywhere in the country, but for some reason, here in Montana, it is taken very seriously, as it should be.

There are some things that people do here that especially "grind Montanan's gears", but to be fair, it ticks off anyone from the Midwest as well.

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8 Things That Tick Off Montanan's During The Winter (and all year to be fair).

1. Never driven in you moved to Montana? Perhaps this should have been thought about prior to you finding a house, a job, or a school. Your 2WD/RWD vehicle is going to get you no where but a ditch.


2. How close is too close? If you have ever thought or asked yourself, "I wonder if I am driving to close to this person in front of me?" Then the answer is YES. There is absolutely no reason for me to have to deal with you so close to me that I can see your eye color.

3. How fast do you think you need to go when there is snow on the roads? You do realize that a speed limit isn't optional right? So I don't know, 65 in a 40 in the winter when its freezing and snow packed probably isn't ideal.


4. How SLOW do you need to go? In town I have come upon numerous drivers that are going 10-15mph in a 35 zone. Now I am glad you are using caution, but if you are that nervous about driving when conditions are not really that bad, perhaps using a rideshare in the mornings would be a better (and safer) choice.


5. Passing a semi/big rig/18 wheeler, whatever you want to call it, isn't rocket science. Semi's have a blind spot. That blind spot is basically between the front and back wheels. If you're for some odd reason, slowing down as you pass a semi, they can't see you. If you are going to pass, do it with caution, safety, and confidence. OR just don't pass. Simple.


6. There is no season that anyone likes this, so the fact that some of you choose winter as the prime time to show off your fish tailing skills, get a new hobby. Quit pulling out in front of people. You do realize that no matter what type of vehicle you have or the vehicle coming at you has, when it is icy, you don't stop on a dime. Quit putting yourself and the other drivers in danger.

7. Isn't it so pretty when we get fresh snow? Especially when it is a good 6 or 7 inches. Don't leave it piled all over your car and you just clean the window off so you can see. They make this crazy contraption called a window scraper AND it even has a brush on it! It's crazy!

8. Emergency vehicles with their lights on, are typically on their way to an emergency. When you see one coming with their lights on, it means pull over to the side so they can pass you safely. It's actually the law.

If you find yourself doing any of these 8 things, congratulations! You have pissed off a Montanan. Also, please stop it.

cc: Amazing Facebook Followers


Whatever you do, don't leave these items in your car when temperatures are below freezing in Montana.

Gallery Credit: jessejames

10 Towns That Get The Most Snow In Montana

Take a look at what towns get the most snow annually in Montana according to Roadsnacks.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

5 Winter Terms You Should Know When Living In Montana

Winter has arrived here in Montana as well as the surrounding states. You will constantly be hearing about road conditions, road closures, accidents, and total snow fall for the next few months.

There will also be terms that you hear throughout our winter season that you are not as familiar with, or think you might know what they mean but could use a little refresh. We put together 5 winter terms that anyone living in a snowy state, should all be aware of.

Gallery Credit: Megan Shaul

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