Sallie Ford At Peach Street Studios New Bozeman Venue.
Oh my, how classy. On Tuesday this week there was a show of music at Peach Street Studios. Some might call it a performance. Sallie Ford and The Sound Outside played an intimate set promoting their new album Dirty Radio. Something like surf rockish-indie awesome is probably the genre bin for that little number. They were also selling their new album (on wax!) and I got me one, yeehaw! I do hope you will check them out on their next Bozeman date, because every now and then, we must rock together. Our friend Grant knows this and wants to make it happen, I trust him.
The venue itself had beautiful lighting, sound (respect to Luke Flansberg) and easily fit the small crowd in pews and their cups. Keep an eye out for the next event, hopefully the 27th of July. Make sure you stay on it, this last one sold out and I bet the next crowd will have many returns. Peace, check the links.
P.S.- If you have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Chelsea Hunt, I implore you to do so the next time you find yourself in Cactus, she rocketh. She may even sell you a ticket to the next Peach Street event if you are lucky and bring enough money. Thanks for the record homey.