Sunday Brunch Preview- 7.15.12 -Shawn Colvins new one and a Sit in Sunday Brunch with a local Bad***.
She has done it again. This time its an album companion to her Memoir "Diamond in the Rough". I will play every single track from this one for you this Sunday. "All Fall Down" has the same Shawn/Levinthal vibe and bookends nicely with "Steady On" her first release and also my favorite of her 8 releases to date. She has returned home after a long rolling journey. This latest release is thorughtful, pensive and perfect 'Sunday Brunch' fare.
We will also be having a Sit in Sunday Brunch with Conrad Anchor this Sunday as well. He will be talking about the most recent expedition and Summit of Everst with MSU/Mayo. We will also be playing CD's from his collection. I was invited to help cull through he and Jeni's stacks a few weeks ago. Count on an eclectic show!
See you on Sunday morning 9am-noon or at 95-1 locally for the Sunday Brunch with Elle Fine. :)