When it comes to toys, which toy do Montanans say is their favorite from childhood? Check out the list of Montanan's favorite toys. Did yours make the cut?
I'm am so proud to be a child of the 80s. We had a lot of fun. We were outside with our friends at all times, during all seasons. There was no internet or cell phones to get in the way of that! Now that I am a parent, dwelling on the fact that we were the last generation without such technological distractions also makes me a bit sad.
Annoying Childhood Friend, a new meme making the rounds today, is kind of like the ghost of friendships past. We all had a “pal” in our youth bend the rules to his advantage or sell you out when trouble arose.
I'm returning home to the east coast later this week, as it's been too long. I haven't been back to Connecticut in 2 years. It's gonna be great to stay with my parents and pretend I'm a kid again (Mom, be prepared to prepare meals and I will ask to use the car). As the trip home nears, I've been thinking a lot about my childhood and all the experiences that have led me to this point in my life.
I was a kid in the 80s and it was AWESOME! I don't know if everyone feels like they grew up in the best generation for kids but I certainly do. We had the best toys, movies and cartoons. Whatever happened to Saturday morning cartoons? I checked again this morning and nothing for the kids. I don't get it, why wouldn't kids want to spend their day off watching cool cartoons? That was the best.