The Downtown Bozeman Association, Downtown Bozeman art galleries and retailers, the Emerson Center for Art and Culture and The Moose are proud to present this summer's Downtown Bozeman ArtWalks.
Downtown Bozeman's annual trick-or-treating event will take place on Friday, Oct. 30 this year. Over 150 downtown businesses are set to welcome kids and families with candy and Halloween decorations.
The Downtown Bozeman Association and downtown merchants are proud to present the 2015 Crazy Days Summer Sidewalk Sale! Don’t miss crazy downtown summer deals Friday, July 17 – Sunday, July 19!
The Downtown Bozeman Association, downtown Bozeman art galleries, retailers and the Emerson Center for Art and Culture are proud to present the 2015 Downtown Bozeman Art Walks. The first Art Walk is Friday, June 12. Maps available here.
The Downtown Bozeman Association, downtown Bozeman art galleries, retailers and the Emerson Center for Art and Culture are proud to present the Downtown Bozeman Winter Art Walk on Friday, Dec. 12 from 6 - 8 p.m.