Gibson made a big announcement this week and it's going to be even bigger for Bozeman. First a little back story, the new models which are called "The Gibson Generation Collection" was actually conceived back in 1964. Gibson was going through archives and came across the blueprints and decided to go forth with the plans. The idea behind the new model(s) will allow the actual player to hear more of what the audience hears.
The Gibson company's public struggle to find a way forward through potentially catastrophic financial woes could reach a definitive turning point over the next few months.
Gibson Brands, Inc. – makers of the iconic Gibson guitars played by Slash among many others – is “running out of time” to resolve serious debt issues that could shut it down.
My out of town friends think Bozeman, Montana is famous for weed, powder skiing and trustafarians. Gibson Acoustic Guitars should be at the TOP of that list, in my opinion. Which models are the best?