
Helena Fifth Graders From 1995 Accurately Predicted What The Internet Would Become [VIDEO]
Helena Fifth Graders From 1995 Accurately Predicted What The Internet Would Become [VIDEO]
Helena Fifth Graders From 1995 Accurately Predicted What The Internet Would Become [VIDEO]
Back in 1995, fifth grade students at Ray Bjork school in Helena, MT shot a PSA celebrating the many virtues of the internet, which was just starting to go mainstream at the time. These clever kids also talk about what they think the internet will be like by the time they get to college. "It will be like our telephone," one student accurately predicts.
NetCoalition Ad Campaign Urges Montanans To Oppose Damaging Piracy Bills
NetCoalition Ad Campaign Urges Montanans To Oppose Damaging Piracy Bills
NetCoalition Ad Campaign Urges Montanans To Oppose Damaging Piracy Bills
NetCoalition, a group of leading Internet and technology companies, launched a radio advertising campaign today in Montana which emphasizes the importance of the Internet as a job creator and what damage the impending Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) will have on our economy. View the advertisements and get more info here.
Wondering What Most Use the Internet for? Well, It’s Not That Exciting — Survey of the Day
Wondering What Most Use the Internet for? Well, It’s Not That Exciting — Survey of the Day
Wondering What Most Use the Internet for? Well, It’s Not That Exciting — Survey of the Day
Why did the average American go online? For no particular reason (Ba-dum-bum). Although this may not become the newest joke anytime soon, it’s actually a true statement. According to a new report from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 53 percent of 18- to 29-year-old Americans go online just for fun or to waste time. With 2,260 participating adults, it turns out that
Betty White’s ‘I’m Still Hot’ Video Is Here to Melt the Internet [VIDEO]
Betty White’s ‘I’m Still Hot’ Video Is Here to Melt the Internet [VIDEO]
Betty White’s ‘I’m Still Hot’ Video Is Here to Melt the Internet [VIDEO]
Last month, Betty White lent her rapping skills to a remix of techno artist Luciana’s hit song ‘I’m Still Hot.” Now the video for the collaboration has been released, featuring both cheesecake (which White raps about baking) and beefcake to appeal to both sexes. (It’s hot, provided that you consider a bunch of buff male models fawning over an 88-year-old to be hot.)

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