Wow. You've gotta see these pictures as a double rainbow appeared over New York City early Monday evening on the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
What to do when New York City streets are closed to traffic due to a blizzard? YouTube star Casey Neistat decided to put a vehicle on them anyway, and have said vehicle tow him while on a snowboard. Is this dude from Montana? Check it out:
Ever wonder how modern movie CGI is produced? Here's a super cool glimpse into what was involved in creating the digital New York City that needed to be destroyed in "The Avengers" movie:
The Coney Island Polar Bear Club's annual New Year's swim looks like a great time. People in costumes, swimming, having fun. We probably should've gone, but there was that whole hangover thing to deal with. Which makes us wonder, does jumping into the freezing Atlantic ocean cure a hangover? If so, we're totally there next year.
Governor Brian Schweitzer arrived in Times Square yesterday for his Big Apple tour promoting Montana products and the state as a vacation destination. His agenda includes a late-night gig on the "Late Show with David Letterman" tonight.