I just came across an awesome website that provides excellent music trivia each day. For example, on this day (September 11) in 1952, "Ahmet Ertegun began recording his newest signing, 21 year old Ray Charles at Atlantic Records on West 56th St in New York City." You can also plug in any date. I just found out my birthday (January 19) is synonymous with a good amount of Beatles trivia! F
Yup, and it's a cool website too. Although it's been months since I've had a chance too enjoy breakfast at The Western Cafe in downtown Bozeman, I love the joint. Always have.
I've found the perfect website for my wife (who is the ultimate animal lover). There is a new website that tells you if a pet is injured or dies in a movie:
Even Montana Natives haven't seen everything this state has to offer. I've been here for almost 20 years and there are TONS of places I haven't seen. You still have time to plan a late summer road trip and since staying close to home costs less than flying half way around the world, here's my tip on how to have a blast on a budget. Stay here.
The BBC put together an online tool that tells you what Olympic athlete is your closest body match. It's just based on height and weight but it'll make you feel good (unless you're a dude that has the same body specs as say a female Romanian gymnast). Good luck.