Bozeman Lunch Guide: 6 Serene Spots To Relax And Recharge
With nice weather, sometimes you just need a minute. Or a good place to eat your lunch away from the office. I've got a few spots that are really easy to get to and satisfy that urge to be alone for a short bit.
I'm not blowing any nuclear secrets here, so don't expect PERFECT silence or nobody else to be at these locations. But generally, they're a decent bet to wolf down your sandwich in peace. The key to these suggestions is that they're close to town and super easy to get to. Pack that folding chair in the back of the car and ENJOY your lunch.
Cherry River Fishing Access: This is the proper name for the pond/creek area that's on your right, just as North 7th avenue curves left and turns into Frontage Road. You've driven by it 100s of times, but very few actually stop here. It's a great place to zone out at the Bridgers and watch the ducks and other cool birds in the pond. Great parking, too.

Bozeman Softball Complex: There are two ways to enter the complex with good parking lots on both sides. You can get there on Haggerty Lane or drive up Highland to the stoplight with Ellis and use the upper parking lot. Either one is fine. You can stroll down the pathway and put down a blanket or sit in the spectator seats. The fields are rarely used during the day on week-days. In the evening and on the weekends they're packed.
Story Mill Community Park: Head north on Rouse until it makes the right hand bend, and you'll see the right hand turn into the relatively new Story Mill Community Park. (It's 698 Bridger Drive if you've never been there.) Everybody likes this park because it's new and BIG. Even if there are lots of kids playing, it's very easy to find your own quiet space.
South Side of the Bozeman Pond Complex: West of the Gallatin Valley Mall, this is another spot that you can access from multiple directions. I much prefer the very south end of the park that butts right up to the back parking lot of the Credit Union and ACE Hardware. (The Pond Complex has it's OWN parking lot off of Fowler Lane. There are tables, benches and some of them are even covered.) The north side of the complex has a dog park if you're into that.
Dobbie Lambert Intramural Fields at MSU: The surrounding space looks a little different than the Google Map pic, but this is another super simple place to get to from all directions. These fields are located just off of South 19th and West Lincoln. Probably the least quiet due to vehicle traffic, but tons of space for a blanket picnic and I rarely see anyone using them around lunchtime.
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