A Pickleball Court Complex in Bozeman? You’ve Got to Be Kidding
Bozeman is rapidly changing, and some of the changes can be confusing at times. Here's an example. On Wednesday, the Bozeman Parks and Recreation Department gave an update on the Pickleball Court Complex that's currently under construction in Bogert Park. Construction is nearly 80% done and the complex is expected to open next summer.
That's right! A pickleball court complex. The thought of it literally baffles me. Are there really that many pickleball players in Bozeman? Did they survey residents before deciding on a pickleball court complex?
I don't think I've ever met anyone that plays pickleball in my entire life. Am I missing something? Is pickleball cool all of the sudden? Am I out of the loop?
I may be wrong, but I feel that there are many things that Bozeman needs much more than a pickleball court complex. I kind of feel like it's a waste of money. There's definitely a lack of fun activities for children around town, so maybe that's the point of it.
I did some research to learn more about the appeal of pickleball and was surprised to learn that the sport has recently grown in popularity. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), there's an estimated 3.3 million pickleball players in the US. It's seriously hard to believe that there are more pickleball players than there are people in Montana.
I grew up skateboarding and think that the skatepark in Bozeman could definitely use an upgrade. Hopefully, that will be the next project for the Bozeman Parks and Recreation Department.
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