According to the Red Cross this morning: The blood supply has dropped to critically low levels for blood types O positive, O negative, B negative and A negative.


The Red Cross calls on eligible blood donors to schedule and keep a blood donation appointment as soon as a convenient location and time are available.  To find a convenient donation location, go to or call 1-800 RED CROSS (800-733-2767).

According to Chief Executive Officer, Julia Wulf, “Distributions to hospitals of types O positive, O negative, B negative and A negative are outpacing donations, creating a critical need for those blood types.”

Wulf also said that, “Overall, blood donations are down in the first five months of 2012, compared to the same period last year. As a result, there is almost half the amount of readily available blood in the Red Cross inventory at this point in time.”

Eligible donors with types O positive, O negative, B negative or A negative blood are encouraged to double the difference their donation can make by donating via the innovative double red cell technology, where available.

Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are generally in good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

Eligible donors can call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go online to for more information and to make a blood donation appointment.

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