Bozeman, Montana has an official city flag that many may not know about.

The flag was designed by Bozeman resident, Doris Ward in 1966. Ward designed the flag and entered it into a flag design competition that was held in the spring of 1966, in conjunction with the completion of the new city municipal building (northeast corner of Main and Rouse).

Prior to 1966, city offices were held in the old city hall and opera house (southwest corner of Main and Rouse, today the Soroptimist Park is located there), which was located across the street from the new building.

The city has since moved their offices again to the old library building on Rouse and Lamme.

According to Rachel Phillips, a Research Coordinator for the Gallatin History Museum, the city announced the flag design contest in early 1966 and then revealed the winner at the building dedication that April. It wasn't until June that the new flag was actually attached to the flagpole.

Gallatin History Museum
Gallatin History Museum
Doris Ward donated the flag (pictured above) to the museum, and according to their information, she actually made the flag herself. The gold background represents Bozeman’s rich heritage. A circle of snowy mountains protects the green valley.
Gallatin History Museum
Gallatin History Museum
The meaning of the symbols on the flag are listed below:
  • Mountains - Tourism and Strength
  • Wheat - Agriculture and Productivity
  • Book - Education and Progress

The Gallatin History Museum is unsure if the flag in the photo was ever used by the city.

A replica of the flag is on display on a flagpole outside of Bozeman City Hall and inside of the City Hall commission room.

The information and pictures in this article were provided by the Gallatin History Museum.

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