21 Dogs Who Could Care Less About Your Stupid Rules
Some people get a dog because they want an obedient companion...well, THESE AIN'T THOSE DOGS! These dogs make Rude Dog look like Lassie. Yeah, we just referenced Rude Dog, DEAL WITH IT!
These dogs don't give a crap about your stupid rules, and here are the pictures to prove it.
You can't control me!
Here's what I think of your sign!
I'll sit where I want.
Sofa Dog
Even in the dark of night I do what I want.
Night Dog
I don't need no stinking leashes!
Let me just fix this for you.
Dogs Allowed
Party all day. Every day.
Drunk Dog
Here's what I think of your regulations:
Really, no dogs allowed?
No Dogs Allowed
Maybe your sign would be more effective *if dogs could read.*
Sorry No Dogs
I play MY way.
Rebel Dog
AHAHAHAaaa this certificate tastes GREAT!
Obedience Dog
Fences can't hold me!
Fence Dog
This dog. Does. Not. Care.
Beach Dog
Blatant disregard for authority is how I roll.
No Pets
Whatever, I swim where I want!
Pond Dog
If by "prohibited" you mean "welcome," then sure.
Dogs Prohibited
Here's what I think of your cushion!
Take your trick and shove it!
Boom! We don't care either!
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