Family Promise’s 8th Annual ‘Cardboard Box City’ is October 3 in Bogert Park
Family Promise of Gallatin Valley will host the 8th annual Cardboard Box City on Friday, October 3 in Bogert Park. This community education event is a great opportunity to help help build awareness and raise funds for the homeless population in our community.
Cardboard Box City participants must collect pledges of $100 or more in order to secure the opportunity to set up and decorate a cardboard box home for the night. The highly anticipated Parade of Boxes starts at 5 pm, followed by pizza, a DJ, contests and great prizes! Participants then spend the evening under the stars enjoying music, contests and fun in their Cardboard Box homes.
Do your part to end homelessness in our community on Friday, October 3! Individuals of all ages, families, youth groups, sororities, fraternities, and organizations are welcome. Visit familypromisegv.org to register today. For more information, call 582-7388 or email prindylou@yahoo.com.
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