HRDC’s Warming Center is preparing for the eighth season of providing life-saving shelter to homeless men, women and children in the Gallatin Valley.

On Saturday, October 21, MSU Service Saturday Students, Warming Center staff and advisory board, and supporters and volunteers will host the annual Flying Signs Fundraiser.

During the event, volunteers will be located all around Bozeman, “flying” signs on street corners and collecting donations in support of the Warming Center.  This fundraiser serves as a great opportunity to increase awareness of homelessness in our community.

Here's a list of items they are looking for:

    • Liquid Hand Soap
    • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
    • Fragrance Free Liquid Laundry Detergent
    • Paper Towels
    • 30 Gallon Garbage Bags
    • Ground Coffee
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Liquid All Purpose Cleaner
    • Tissues

The Warming Center is one of the HRDC’s Housing First Programs and just one of the numerous wrap around services HRDC provides to address housing vulnerability in our community.

Support on October 21 is effortless- and the life-saving impact is priceless.  For more information, click here.


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