It will be an outdoor party at Bobcat Stadium this summer on the Montana State campus with a world tour date from Imagine Dragons.

Tickets for this summer show will go on sale Saturday March 3rd, 2018. It's an outdoor show so plan to dress accordingly.

We're not quite sure how many tickets will be sold for this Imagine Dragons show in Bozeman....for a full capacity football game, Bobcat Stadium holds over 17.500 people.

Both reserved seating and General Admission tickets will be available with ticket prices below. Tickets go on sale Saturday March 3rd, 2018 at 10am by phone or online.

  • WHO: Imagine Dragons
  • WHERE: Bobcat Stadium (football stadium)
  • WHEN: Thursday, July 26th at BOBCAT STADIUM (First show in 37 years)
  • TICKETS:  ON SALE - Saturday, March 3rd at 10:00am
  • $125.50 / $89.50 / $59.50 / $39.50 / $29.50
  • Bobcat Ticket Office | Rosauers | 1-800-325-(SEAT)

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