I love my vet. But I despise shoving the cat in a box and taking him there. ESPECIALLY when we're all just supposed to stay home. You can't pick the time your pet needs to see a vet so here's what the deal is in the age of COVID-19.

So, Stabby will be fine. But he DOES have a rash that he won't leave alone so a Sunday call to the vet was made.

I emailed a picture to them and they decided it would be best that Stabby be seen before it got any worse. (All I can think of is "Jesus, please don't get a cone of shame involved.") An appointment was set for Monday at 1pm, which was the following day. Super quick!

  • I pulled up to the vet's office and parked in the lot.
  • Called the office to let them know I was there and DID NOT go inside.
  • They asked a few questions about his current issue and a few more about basic health and habits.
  • Then, one of their techs came out to the car (with a mask on) to get Stabby in his carrier.
  • I left their lot and went back home for a while.
  • The vet's office then called me when Stabby had been evaluated and got an updated rabies shot. (It was due soon anyway so let's just get that done!) They were VERY thorough on what they found, how to treat it and that Stabby would indeed need a cone of shame.
  • I showed back up at the vet's office 30 minutes later to pick up the cat. Again, calling from the parking lot when I arrived.
  • They were able to take my payment information over the phone while I was in the parking lot.
  • The cat got delivered back to my car with his cone of shame. Piece of cake. At least for me. Stabby, not so much.
photo - Michelle Wolfe
photo - Michelle Wolfe

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