Kings Of Leon’s Long-Awaited New Album Expected To Be Released In September, And Expected To Sound Immature?
It looks like we'll finally hear something new from Kings of Leon towards the end of 2013. They're expected to release their next album sometime in September. What can we expect? Bassist Jared Followill says the band has finished recording it...and it sound surprisingly immature!?
We haven't heard much from Kings of Leon since Caleb Followill had an onstage meltdown in the summer of 2011, and the band had to abruptly cancel the rest of their U.S. tour. Rumors of Caleb leaving the band later surfaced, but it now looks like the Kings (with Caleb) will be back with a new album later this year. Caleb's brother, and Kings' bassist, Jared Followill says the new album will have an immature sound reminiscent of their earlier work. Wow, not exactly the best endorsement. Jared said, quote,
I thought we were going to make a really mature album, but I'm amazed how youthful it sounds. It's like a mix of [our debut album] 'Youth & Young Manhood' and [our third album] 'Because of the Times'.
Kings of Leon's earlier fans are probably thrilled to hear this (the band had a much different sound on their first few albums). There's no title or release date yet. As of right now, look out for it sometime in September. We'll keep ya posted!
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