Luckily we have had a moderately wet Spring and Summer so far in Montana, but that does not mean fire risks are at zero percent. The key factors in any large wild fire are fuel, weather, topography, and the human variable. Every factor, besides weather can be controlled to some extent.

This guide will help you identify high risk factors present that could lead to a wildfire.

The guide also covers Survival Distance, or defensible space, which is the modification of your home and its surrounding area to prevent a wildfire from reaching the structure even without firefighter intervention. The above guide has a distance chart based on the location of your property and the steepness of the land.

Some plants are even known to be fire resistant. This doesn't mean they will never burn but that they are much less likely to burn in most situations. MSU students and professors compiled a list of such fire-resistant plants.

Find even more wildfire tips and material at


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