Quick! Get Your Kenyon Noble Jr. Carpenter Pumpkin Coupon
The famous Kenyon Noble Pumpkin Carving Contest IS happening, but it's virtual this year. Here's everything you need to know to get your free pumpkin coupon and participate!
It's still going to be a family friendly blast, you just get to carve your pumpkin from the comfort of your own home this year.
The Kenyon Noble Pumpkin Carving Contest is going virtual. The first step is getting your pumpkin. Here are the exact steps you need to follow to get that free pumpkin!
Receive up to two pumpkins - Kenyon Noble will be providing pumpkins up to 15 lbs. each...but you'll need to SIGN UP FOR YOUR PUMPKIN COUPON!
- Sign up online to pick up your FREE pumpkin coupon from the Bozeman Kenyon Noble location.
- Kenyon Noble will then mail you a FREE pumpkin coupon redeemable from Oct. 16 - 18 only.
- This offer (to sign up) will end October 1st and pumpkins will be limited.
- Be sure to sign up for the virtual Kenyon Noble Pumpkin Carving Contest ASAP because they don't want you to miss out on getting your free pumpkin coupon. (Again, you'll sign up online to get your coupon. That's the very first step in this process.)
- Pumpkins will then be available for pick up October 16th -18th only, at any local Town & Country Foods grocery store within the Bozeman, Belgrade, Livingston area. (Belgrade: 205 W Madison Ave, Bozeman: 1611 S 11th Ave. OR 219 N 19th Ave., Livingston: 1217 W Park St.)
- Submit photos to sociallykenyonnoble@gmail.com,** from Oct. 16 to Oct. 28 before 11:59pm - with your child's first name and last initial with the hashtag in the email: #KNPumpkinCarvingContest
- For more information on how to sign up and details regarding Kenyon Nobles Virtual Pumpkin Carving Contest visit their event pages at Kenyonnoble.com or Kenyon Noble's Facebook event page.
Pumpkins on pumpkin patch